Blog Archive

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Planning: Location Shots

In this post, you will find images and a detailed description of the locations we used when filming.

Group Roles:

Amy Tilley: For the location shots, I took the images using a Nikon D3100 SLR. I used a tripod to posistion the camera to get the best quality and adjusted the settings. I had to adjsut the flash settings so it would not appear in the mirror. This will not be a problem for our main task,as we will not be taking stills and therefore will not use the flash. Once it oko the image I uploaded them to the compuiter and inserted them into a Powerpoint document and then analysed the images statign why we wanted to use them and some precautions we needed to take.

Lucy Gladdish: For the location shots I helped Amy make sure that the camera was adjusted in the right position, and I also chose the Location we used for the film and why they would be important to use in our location shots.

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